I. The Magician
My Thoughts
I think there's something about the priestly look of the figure's robes in the Pavlov version of this card that has me feeling unexpectedly unsettled by it. I'm accustomed to the brightness of the Smith-Waite Magician; in contrast, this Magician feels austere, more a calculating scholar than a mystical figure.
I think that's why I'm reading this version of the Magician as less friendly and more dangerous. He'll help the Fool along with his journey, for a price. He wields a power that he might not always be able to control as well as he should; despite his cautious planning, magic remains unpredictable. And his intentions might not always be as transparent as you'd hope.
Traditional Reading
Biddy Tarot lists "Manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action" as keywords for the Magician.
Personal Associations

Dr. Pretorius from the film Bride of Frankenstein is one of my favorite characters in horror. Played by the incredible Ernest Thesiger, Pretorius seduces Dr. Frankenstein back into meddling with the creation of life. Their success in creating a Bride for the Monster is nothing to celebrate, however--the Magician's power here was enough to create life from dead tissue, but it failed to account for the emotional experience of the life it created, leading to disaster.

Pinhead from Hellraiser, another classic horror villain, although calling him a villain in the original film never feels entirely accurate. The cenobite priest offers great power, great pleasure, great pain, with little distinction.
I think that my current feeling towards the Magician is almost more like he is a gatekeeper of power than a teacher, which I don't feel is quite accurate to what the card is trying to convey. I think I still have a lot to consider about this card and expect I'll update this page pretty significantly once I work through more of my thoughts on it.